This man knows the meaning of balance.
George Ohsawa is (or was) the most yang man ever! I think that Wilhem Dafoe might be his physical sucessor. Ohsawa is the father of modern macrobiotics, having brought it to the western world when he moved to Paris in 1922.
Ohsawa dedicated his life to macrobiotics, teaching, writing, opening schools, etc. The health food movement owes it's existence to Macrobiotics. The first health food stores in the US were started by students of Ohsawa.
The most fascinating thing about Ohsawa (he was a freakshow from all reports) is that he constantly learned and practiced the art of balance all the time. Often he would experiment on himself to see what would happen if he fell out of balance and what it would take to restore himself. He gave and then cured himself of Tropical Ulcers just to prove to Albert Schweitzer that Macrobiotics worked! His eventually died of a heart attack after one such experiment.
I practiced a healing version of Macrobiotics for two years and wound up looking like the Crypt Keeper. It was the thinnest I have ever been in my life and I was so ridiculously yang that it took me another two years just to relax!
Balance is a lifelong pursuit. Sometimes I am very close to achieving it, often I am not. I don't see it as a failure, I see it as simply that's how the process works.
Balance is a serious journey and one that I am only just beginning to learn, cannot be forced in any way. Balance is composed of so many things, most of which we are not even aware of. While macrobiotics sets up some practical guidelines, it also gives the false impression that we have complete control of our life's outcomes. We don't. I think that is the paradox of something like macro and why it appeals to people who have seriously lost their way, like I had.
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