The Lost Art of Conversation
There is nothing I love more than a good conversation. I love to talk about any subject with the exception of popular sports. I'm very open in my conversations but never to the point of being inappropriate, or at least I've never gotten the impression that I was. Maybe while drunk or high, but even then I can still hold my own.
There is a project out of Oxford, England that I would love to participate in! Portrait of Oxford hosts Conversation Meals where you are randomly seated amongst other participants and the conversation part of the meal is moderated by providing attendees with a menu of questions designed to strip away the artifice of typical, polite conversations.
I love meeting people and hearing their stories. I'm the type of person that random strangers share their stories, totally unsolicited. I have heard some of the most beautiful and interesting things. I guess I give off an honest vibe. So because of my exposure to these private details, I'm bored to tears by people who can't or won't conversationally share themselves or even give their honest opinion on things. I don't really want to know what your favorite band is, where you bought your sweater, or why you hate your job. Those surface details don't make you a real person in my eyes and they definitely don't make for a long exchange with me.
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