Watership Down
After seeing the movie when I was 11 or 12, I was obsessed with Watership Down for months. I wrote many, many stories inspired by trials of Hazel, Pipkin, Fiver, and Bigwig. They would start out well enough but one week into it I would get tired of the plot and the characters and just ended things by having everyone die, kind of like Hamlet. I remember reading some of the story to my Mom and afterwards she commented on how brutual the ending was.
Recently, I made a risky vinyl purchase of an album inspired by Watership Down. It's by a Swedish musician named Bo Hansson. The album is called El-ahraihrah after the mythical rabbit in the story. It's actually really good. I'm not sure where the inspiration comes into it but it's a great prog rock album nonetheless.
Richard Adams wrote another book with animal protagonists called Plague Dogs. The animated film from that story is really dark and kind of trippy.
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