Unfinished Project JuJu
I have a habit of buying second-hand embroidery pieces from thrift stores and yard sales. These are vintage pieces and I love the designs. A couple of weeks ago I found a needlework Christmas stocking with a great early 70's design of a fairy on a mushroom with a bunny at her feet. The colors are shades of green and pink. And best of all, it was almost 80% done! It said "Christy" on the top but I had already planned to cover that up with a ribbon.
That night I figured out the stitches and started working on it. Immediately, my husband and our cats became creeped out. My husband started shooting me looks and the cats would not leave it alone. I had to kick them both off the bed (the cats, not Paul) to keep them from shredding it.
That got me thinking. Is it wrong to take someone else's project and finish it? Anyone who does any kind of craft or hobby has several unfinished pieces that will go with them to the grave. I have an embroidery piece that I have sat on for over 10 years!
I'm taking a poll to see if this is appropriate or not. Why is working on the "Christy" stocking gross but finishing my grandmothers quilt blocks and giving the quilt to my mother was the highlight of Christmas 2003?
Right now the responses have been even. Those that say it's not ok give bad juju as the reason and to an extent I can support that. I would like to know where and when that line is drawn.
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