Monday, August 13, 2007


I wish I had more time to post this week but work is out of control! I finished two halters this past week. The green is a simple halter from a vintage pattern I just bought. I had to add a shelf bra for extra support. The blue halter is from the "Happy Hooker" crochet book. I'm just excited that it turned out! It's my third attempt at a crochet project.

I hope to be able to post more later this week. Wardrobe Refashion has me thinking a lot about the concept of sustainability and how feasible it is in today's world. Plus I got some new patterns and fabrics over the weekend that I'd like to share.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hobo bag

So here's my first project for Wardrobe Refashion- a simple unlined hobo bag which took me under 40 minutes to make from start to finish. Totally indulging in my need for immediate gratification. Also, I just needed a new bag. My other bag (another hobo bag, which I'm ashamed to say how much I paid for it) is starting to get kind of skuzzy.

I love damask prints and I scavenged this fabric from a donation from a family friend. Their grandmother passed away last summer and I was given her entire sewing room, which included 8 packing boxes and 1 steamer trunk of fabric, patterns, and notions. Almost all of the fabric was double-knit poly but I wound up donating most of it to a local theater group that builds giant, outdoor puppets.

I've been sitting on this fabric for over a year now. I knew that I wanted to make a bag with it but I wasn't sure which kind. It's a lightweight canvas. Hobo sack was perfect! I almost don't want to use it because it's so clean and pretty.