Christmas Gift
I've started my gifts for this year with an embroidered applique hoodie for my goddaughter, Gia. I have five more to go. Thankfully, most of the gifts are handwork so I can work on them on the train, at night in front of the tv, etc.
I started the applique for this piece as a demo for a craft show in June. My group had a table there and I needed something to work on. I also used it as a demo for an embroidery class I taught for teens in July at one of our local library.
The design is from a 1972 McCall's Needlework magazine. It was originally a center embroidery for a hippie wedding gown. I bought the hoodie at a Labor Day clearance sale from Daffy's- $5.00!!
I'm also doing a lot of sewing for myself. The $$ that I didn't spend on buying new clothes has been spent on patterns, fabric, and supplies. I also bought, the same day as the hoddie score, a beautiful lightweight wool in a brown and blue paisley (dress coming soon!) and some leather scraps which I'd like to turn into barrettes and pins (inspired by a Miu Miu pin that I refrained from buying from Buffalo Exchange).
This is Danny, Elise Kartheiser's former "friend" from the 1990's.
I did a word-search on Elsie and discovered your post from 2005 about trying to reach her.
I'll be breif - did she ever contact you? If so, I'd like to know her contact info ... no worries- I'm not a psycho (you might remember me ... devistatingly handsome ...).
Do you still live in Philly?
I own a house in Westville, NJ (just over the Walt Whitman), and am working locally as a safety professional.
Well, please let me know if you have her info (even how you are doing, too - we never really got to talk much when I was "dating" Elise for those three years; but I do remember you).
I haven't corresponded with her since about 1999 ...
Email me: djbombaro@cavanconstruction.com
This will really serve to end my seemingly vain word-search for Elise ... every time I do I get "VIncent Kartheiser / actor!" .., If I were gay, I'd be really happy about that ;) ... but I'm not and have been looking for Elise for over 8 years.
I hope to hear from you.
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