I Don't Y Liberals!
I really hate most liberals as much as I do conservatives. I can't stand holier than thou condescension from anyone, regardless of their beliefs. Dogmatic thinking is dogmatic thinking. Right and wrong from the Left or Right wing groups become null and void when passed through a closed mindset.
We're in the midst of liberals having their day,following Katrina's wake. Philadelphia is opening its doors to 5,000 homeless from MS and LA. Funny how tragedy on this level really lets liberals point fingers at how our conservative government has failed our citizens by spending $$ in the wrong places and also lets them play the good guy by opening their homes to these unfortunates. Funny how these liberals are also the very same people to put up a fuss when a homeless shelter is set to be established in their neighborhood.
Working where I do, I see a examples of both effective and destructive liberalism. While I am able to separate the good work that is done from its source, I still have a hard time stomaching the fact that there is little difference between Right and Left.
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