I Y Harold and Maude!
Harold and Maude is one of my favorite films. I first saw it in high school with my friend Jimmy, who was a partner in crime for a good two years.
The list is endless- I love 70s cinema and this is a rare example of 70s dark humor and social commentary (in a very bizarre way). Do most viewers realize that Maude is a Holocaust survivor?
The visual and performance details, the script, the soundtrack- all of these elements, rather than competing or overwhelming, come together to create a tight and perfect piece. This film basically created careers for contemporary directors like Wes Anderson.
The car! My mom had the same Jag that Harold's mom gave him. It was her first big purchase with her first job. My dad wrecked the car on rt. 1 a few months later.
Also I love Cat Stevens. Most of his music is a guilty pleasure for me, much like my love of certain John Denver songs. However, Cat Stevens works in the film. The film wouldn't be half of what it is without songs like "Don't Be Shy" and "If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out". Through Harold and Maude, I can love Cat Stevens without apology.
Most importantly, I saw this movie on my first real date with my husband, Paul. He drove an hour and a half on a weeknight to see it with me. I knew then and there that we were a done deal.
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