There was a Segway parked in the front lobby of my office this morning. I'm very leery of this machine, to say the least. For many reasons but the first being that people are lazy and any excuse not to have to move around physically is good enough.
Don't we have enough problems with obesity and physical degeneration? I fear that to further add to the problem will most likely push us past a point where our bodies are no longer self-ambulatory. Modern man is already weak enough. Hell, people can't even function when the AC is broken.
The Segway was designed to help eliminate vehicle traffic. San Francisco has banned the use of Segways on sidewalks fearing the safety of pedestrians. I'm terrified of the way people drive and generally frustrated by foot traffic. The thought of combining the worst of the two has me very worried. These things travel at a top speed of 12 miles per hour. Can you imagine being hit by something like that while walking along? People cannot be relied on to be careful and aware. Not even people like our President (see pic).
I can concede that the Segway might be a technological inovation for those that are physically impared but in a lot of cases even that would be a stretch. How many people would suddenly have a condition where the Segway was necessary for them to get around. Like the morbidly obese that use wheelchairs to move around in?